Monthly Archives: November 2010

Little Things


I noticed the autumn leaves for the first time yesterday. They are beautiful. I’m sure they leaves started changing a long time ago, but I never took the time to notice them. I thanked God for giving them to us to enjoy and went about my day. I got to thinking.. Why can’t I notice the little things on a regular basis? Why is my life so hurried and busy that it takes me so long to realize what’s going on around me? I could be completely missing a gift from God! So I’ve decided that I’m going to try to start doing that–noticing the little things, being aware of what’s going on around me, slowing down. While I’m at it, I want to learn to use my time more productively so that I’ll actually have more time to slow down and notice the little things. I think this is something everyone should try; our society as a whole has just gotten so busy, and our schedules have gotten so full. So if you haven’t yet, take a few minutes and go outside. Look at the leaves. Find beauty in something you wouldn’t normally notice. View the world as if you were seeing it for the first time. You just might be surprised at how fulfilling life is when you make room for the little things.