Allow Me to Introduce Myself

The Important Stuff..

On October 29, 2009, everything “clicked;” Jesus saved me from my former self and my former way of life. On January 3, 2010, I was baptized at The Crossing in Macomb, IL. Since then, I’ve been trying to get through this thing called life with God leading me. It definitely hasn’t been easy; in fact, life has been significantly more difficult, yet significantly more joy-filled. I need to be reminded daily that I’m living to please God, not this world or the people in it. I believe love in action can fix the world. I’ve discovered that the right thing is rarely the easiest thing. I believe God gives peoples’ lives the only meaningful purpose that exists. My biggest struggles in my Christian walk are pride & doubt, but I believe God will use these things to refine me into the person that He intends for me to be. As for my future walk with God, I’m both excited & terrified. But I know He holds me in the palm of His hand, and there’s no safer place to be.

“The most difficult lie I have ever contended with is this: Life is a story about me.” – Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller

The Not-So-Important Stuff..

I’m a 25-year-old school psychology graduate student at Oklahoma State University.

I love: God, Jesus, the Bible, school psychology, running, theology, learning, Sunnybrook Christian Church, crocheting, making cards, laughing, nutrition & wellness, my cat Lilly, coffee & coffee shops, macaroni & cheese, Google, baking, sudoku, PostSecret, reading, Orange Leaf, office supplies, Sundays, naps, hot tea, reality TV, Christian yoga, Vera Bradley, orchids, color coding my planner, OSU, big trucks, the Cubs, artsy stuff, photography, nail polish, babies, the Vikings, working out, cuddling, puppies & kittens, Lambrusco, traveling, sour patch kids, Hobby Lobby, chocolate, long conversations, book stores, tattoos & piercings, shopping, Clorox disinfecting wipes, accents, snow days, California, lakes & boating, cornfields, crossing things off of my to-do list, and mint chocolate chip ice cream

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