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You may be thinking, “Broken into wholeness? What does that even mean?” Well, lucky for you, I have an answer 🙂

Before I became a Christian, I was breaking; I was constantly looking for something or someone to fix this discontentment I felt most of the time. (See my first post for more specifics.) Every time I tried to find contentment and was inevitably unsuccessful, it felt like a piece of me broke away and that part of me was lost. In the winter of 2008, I broke completely. I had lost everything that I thought mattered; there was nothing left of my heart. In 2009, I unknowingly pushed my allegorical “self-destruct” button. I made a series of really stupid decisions that led me even deeper into the dark. That’s when God stepped in.

Although I’m still going through a healing process, God has taken the pieces that fell away and has put them back together more beautifully than I could ever have imagined. I’m the last person who thought I would ever be one of those “religious people” or a “Jesus freak,” so I was more surprised than anyone when God grabbed hold of my life. But I am so glad He did  because I’ve realized that I don’t need to supplement my life with anything. He is enough; He is everything I need. I do struggle with remembering that, but that doesn’t change the Truth: that I am made whole in Him.

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