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Africa is Calling

I think I need to go to Africa. Why? Because God says so.

I was Facebook creeping a few weeks ago and came across a girl’s profile in one of my friend’s list of friends. (Me = Facebook creep.) She had gone to Illinois State University (where I attended college), and I had not seen or even thought of this girl in years since she was a couple of years older than me. She had pictures up from a mission trip she had taken to Africa. I looked through the pictures and thought about how neat it would be to go there. A day or two later, I was at Wal-Mart when I walked by one of those little stations with the relaxation CD’s. I never stop at those things, but I saw a CD that said something about worship music on the front of it. I picked up the CD and began looking at it. I looked up to see what other CD’s they had, and the first one I looked at was titled something like, “Sounds of Africa” and had a lion on the front of it. I thought it was a little strange, but I didn’t think too much about it. I came home, got on my computer, and went to the website for the company that one of my sisters-in-law works for–Amor Ministries (an organization based in San Diego, CA that arranges short-term mission trips). There was a slideshow on the homepage, and the second slide that came up was for a mission trip to South Africa. Hmm. I told my mom about all of these things, and she kind of freaked out. She thought I was wanted to move to Africa. Anywho.. a couple of days after that, she told me she thought I was right about going to Africa. Apparently she went to a coffee shop and saw a man reading a book about Africa, and he was wearing an African scarf. This may not seem strange to some people, but my hometown is pretty small, surrounded by cornfields, and is not exactly a hub of cultural diversity. God is funny. Then, today I was out to lunch and went to throw away my trash. The TV (which was on a sports channel that happened to be covering the Olympics) was near the trash can, and in the fraction of a second that I looked up at the TV on my way to the trash can, the words “SOUTH AFRICA” popped up in capital letters on the screen. I just kind of smiled and shook my head. Looks like going to Africa may be in my 5-year plan. 🙂