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Proverbs 31:30

Last night at the Brook, we started a series on relationships, dating, marriage, sex, etc. This is probably one of my favorite topics to study in the context of Christianity, most likely because I’ve had so many issues with dating in the past, and dating God’s way is so different from typical dating. In order to get a better idea of how God views dating and relationships, we looked at Song of Solomon 1:1-11. Here is the passage and the notes that I took: Song of Songs

Here are some of the main points of the sermon:

– Women, your heart is more valuable to a godly man than anything else.

– Men, your character is more valuable to a godly woman than anything else.

– There is nothing wrong with wanting to get married, with wanting to have a partner in life. God wired us this way.

– Ask your close friends to be honest with you and ask, “Is there anything unattractive about my character that would prevent me from attracting a godly man/woman?”

– With young couples there is a lot of pushing into the bedroom rather than giving or asking to take. If someone pushes, walk away.

– How far is too far? Don’t do anything in private that you wouldn’t do in front of your parents. Nothing should be unzipped or unbuttoned prior to marriage. This prevents people from going through a world of pain should the relationship not work out. It also keeps your bodies a mystery to each other, and you have that much more to give your husband/wife on your wedding night. And the sex is that much better and fulfilling (i.e., “more explosive”) when you’re married (which is the real reason Christians prefer to wait to have sex 🙂 Just kidding. Kind of.)

– If your boyfriend or girlfriend won’t obey God outside of marriage, (s)he won’t obey God while you’re married.

– Every woman comes accessorized with other women. Men not only have to impress the girl he is interested in; he has to impress her friends too.

– Submissiveness is a very attractive quality to a godly man.

– To a godly man, there is nothing more unattractive than a woman who belittles her appearance.

– It takes a whole lot of man to please a godly woman.

– God wired men to admire a woman’s beauty (Note: This means men are wired to appreciate the beauty that is naturally found in one woman [i.e., his wife]. This does NOT mean God wired men to lust after or behold all women as if they are on display for their sexual pleasure. Big difference.)

– A man’s wife should be his standard of beauty. He should never stop telling her how beautiful he thinks she is.

– It’s natural to want to be close to the one you love. This does not mean you’re needy or weak.

– The lure you fish with determines the kind of fish you catch; if you dress/act/speak like trash, you will attract trash. And trash stinks.